
How to Repurpose Your Content into 10 Pieces+ With Little Extra Work!

How to Repurpose Your Content into 10 Pieces+ With Little Extra Work!

Coming up with constant new social media posts can be exhausting at times!

New ideas, creating them, writing, trying to sell your products and services…

And if you’re hearing crickets it’s even more disheartening.

What if I told you that you could have a week’s worth of social media content that can easily be created from doing one main piece of work and effort and that will increase your engagement and visibility on your stuff?

That’s what you’re going to learn in this post!

We want to be able to do less work and creation - not more, right?

So how can you get more out of the work you’re doing to create content to share your expertise and build authority with your audience…

Without doing a ton more work?

It’s all about repurposing what you’ve already done.

I’ll be sharing how I have been repurposing 1 main piece of content into 7 ways and I’m giving you 10 things you can do yourself to see what suits you and what you can start doing right now.

Just from 6 weeks from doing this process, I saw a huge increase in engagement on both Facebook and Instagram which are my main 2 platforms.

533% increase in engagement in the last months on Facebook

7800% increase on Instagram! Whoa!

So if you’re not getting much interaction and engagement yourself right now and getting tired of trying to come up with what content to post throughout your week…

Stick around and learn how to get a week’s worth of content from one piece of valuable content!

Pretty cool right?

Watch the full episode in the video below for all the details or read on for the show notes summary!

Listen to Podcast

Each week I provide a resources section to accompany each episode with tools, products and training that I feel would help you take the next step into conquering this topic in your own business.


How to Turn 1 Piece of Content into 10 With Little Extra Work by Repurposing!

When we’re talking about repurposing content - it’s all about working smart and not creating a lot more work for yourself.

Being strategic and intentional rather than thinking you have to be everywhere… which frankly, isn’t necessarily going to be the most effective.

What you can do though, is utilise content you are creating and use it in different ways and on different platforms.

Since the beginning of the year, I recommitted to myself and my own content schedule.

Choosing 2 slots where I’d show up and Live stream and give value.

These are my non-negotiables.

One of those 2 is a more structured video and this is the basis of what I’m going to share in this post.

It’s where I put time and effort into what I’m creating.

Making sure it’s full of value and intentional with what I want to share that week.

From this one video per week, I turn it into multiple other pieces of content which spreads out over the next week.

There isn’t a huge amount of extra work that goes into it, it’s using what I’ve already done once, and making it work more for me.

Plus having a clear message for the week which helps get it seen by more people.

I’ll share some of that in this post and help you get started to get more out of your own content or come up with a new plan you can start if you’re not already.

Purpose of Repurposing

It helps you to get your content seen by more people as you can use it in many different ways.

That is likely to be consumed more because you’re mixing it up and not all your people will see every post you share.

Content is all about providing value to your audience of your target market. To share your expertise, and build up trust, authority and influence.

With that trust and influence comes the ability to make an offer for your products and services and make sales easier as you’ve built up a relationship with those people.

Rather than just spamming your stuff everywhere and bugging your friends list on Facebook and wondering why you’re not making any money!

That’s the lazy way of doing it and might be how you might start - but that isn’t going to cut it in the long run!

Trust me - I used to flood my personal profile with product pictures and my friends list got pissed off!

Instead - build an audience of interested people and share your awesomeness with them and provide value.

The repurposing piece is so that you can share your hard work in many different ways and places so you can be seen by more people.

Plus you can make some of your content evergreen - meaning people can find it again and again - no more in the blue vortex hole!

We all know how hard it is to try and find content on social media these days so using some of the ways below means you can find it in Search and let your content last a lifetime!

Helps People To Consume How They Want

Not everyone likes to watch Facebook Lives.

Not everyone likes to read.

Not everyone likes to listen to audio.

Whatever your preferred way of creating content yourself that you’re putting your energy into right, isn’t necessarily going to be for everyone - and that’s ok!

I can pour so much value into my Live videos that they can be 30-45 minutes long. Not everyone is going to want to sit through a video that long… and that’s totally ok with me.

I get it, I don’t actually sit through many Facebook lives myself - but I love to make them!

By repurposing your content in different modalities, you can meet people with THEIR preferred way to consume information and content.

However you start your content, think about how you might be able to create it in

  • Video 
  • Written
  • Audio
  • Short
  • Long

That way, you actually increase the likelihood of people seeing and consuming your valuable content by 5 times more as you are giving more options.

Rather than just doing one thing - e.g. a Facebook live and if you’re not seeing the results you’d like - it might be time to expand.

Repurpose Your Videos on Other Platforms

If like me, you like to create videos and do Facebook Lives - you can share those videos on other platforms.




It’s a simple way to share without doing any extra work except a quick upload!

In an ideal world, you’d adapt or edit the content slightly to be platform appropriate - meaning, Facebook Live is also about interaction and a 2 way conversation and so on Youtube, the back and forth with your audience isn’t always appreciated. 

You could edit out that stuff if you really wanted - but I say start simple!

At the start, I took my Facebook live as it is, and I uploaded it to (IGTV) Instagram. This was before Reels and TikTok really blew up!

Simple and takes about 5 minutes!

Promote in Stories

Once you have your videos, you can share those to your stories and get more people knowing it’s there - great to use Stories to promote your video before you go live, and afterwards!

People who love going through the Stories features can see it and click on it to watch it!

Plus Stories is great to ask questions, encourage interactions and conversations with people!

Break it Up!

You can split out your video into smaller video clips

Make multiple written posts from your videos - e.g. if your video is sharing 5 ways to ________ (fill in the blank)

Make 5 posts with 1 tip per post

Turn those posts into graphics, 



Email series

There are so many options!

Create Blog Content From Videos

Every week with my Brilliantly You Business Show - I create these very posts with my show notes as a written summary and shortened down version of my FB Live video.

I know not everyone will watch the video, I like to read content, so this way, I am creating fresh new content on my blog every week and it helps people to get the value I put out every week and I include a resources section to help people take the next steps with what is right for them.

Different Content Formats

So here’s a quit recap of the different methods you can use to repurpose your content

  • Live Videos/Recorded Videos
  • Blogs
  • Video Clips
  • Emails
  • Stories (on FB, Snapchat, IG)
  • TikTok/Reels
  • Carousel graphics
  • Youtube
  • Written social media posts with tips
  • Podcast/Clubhouse

Now this is a lot of things to try and do and so I do want to say - please do not think you have to do ALL of these!

In fact, I'd recommend you don't!

It may not be as effective right now.

Start small and simple.

Maybe pick 2-3 that you can do easily and consistently and start there to test it out.

Find your groove and you can always build up from there.

I started out with maybe 4 things at the start of the year and now I’m doing about 7.

I want to make sure I’m consistent with things first and test it out before adding any more and I encourage you to do the same.

So what might the 2-3 things you think you can easily start to use to repurpose your content?

What speaks to you the most?

If you’d like to get more of the actual HOW TO with these things and how you actually repurpose it, how to make the different methods - I have an entire module on my Smart Content System which includes repurposing inside my Leveraged Marketing System program.

It’s all about building your social media ecosystem to attract, connect and convert into customers on a more consistent basis that is totally aligned to YOU and how you like to do things... which makes it feel easier and more enjoyable... which means you show up more and actually get it done.

Plus you can choose how automated or not it is! (Mine is very automated which allows me to use my energy for the live pieces I love e.g. my coaching calls and delivering a great service to my clients)

Yours might be a little different and that's the beauty of it. A proven framework customised just for you!

This post is a small part of that system.

So if you’re interested to dive deeper into this, check out the Resources section below.

The cool thing is once you have a process that feels good, doesn’t take a lot of extra time, it will mean so much more visibility on your content, and in turn that creates more leads and customers on your products.

As I mentioned earlier - just in 6 weeks from doing this process, my 2 main platforms - Facebook and Instagram have seen a huge increase in engagement with Instagram up by 8000% - I was doing small bits on there and just from a new process, it has rocketed! Facebook has grown by 533% in the last month!

Plus more enquiries and new clients confirming they want to work with me than I have in months!

So it’s working and I want you to see those results too!

Be strategic with your content plan and intentional.

There’s no point creating and repurposing content for the sake of it so make sure you are clear on what your intention is - what are you leading people to, what do you want them to do and work your content around that!

I’m really enjoying this process myself and it brings out my creative side of me to create different types but it’s all coming from the work I do once so takes not much time at all!

The longest thing is writing up these show notes but I could even trim this down if I wanted to - but once I start writing, I love it so I like to share more.

As with anything - test it yourself and do what works for YOU.

The great thing about this is there are tools and things you can do to make this repurposing even easier which I’ll be sharing in my course!

Below are some useful resources to help you get started or to learn more about how you can add a bit more leverage to your time business that you might find helpful!

I’d love to hear what you think you will add onto your content plan from this post and what takeaways you had so share with me in the comments below!

Go and have some repurposing fun and I’ll see you next time!

Jenny Stevens

Recommended Resources:

1. FREE Masterclass - Discover how to get more consistent sales and turn your marketing into a dependable, repeatable and profitable ecosystem that you love with the Leveraged Marketing System framework.

2. Leveraged Marketing System Group Program - If you want to dive straight in and learn about my program and if it is right for you, or you're ready to start creating a system for consistency and designed by you with all the step by step, walk throughs, technical steps and more... you can learn more here.

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Jenny Stevens

Jenny Stevens is an Online Business Consultant & Subconscious Mindset Coach who specialises in helping online entrepreneurs build their business around the lifestyle they want by systemising and streamlining with pure alignment and self trust, to create ease and space for the freedom they desire.

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