
3 Simple Tools To Create A Year's Worth of Content Ideas To Grow Your Ideal Audience

3 Simple Tools To Create A Year's Worth of Content Ideas To Grow Your Ideal Audience

Do you ever find yourself stumped for content ideas for your blogs and videos?

No-one likes sitting in front of the screen trying to think of what to talk about, especially when you want to make sure it's valuable and relevant to what your audience want.

Let alone trying to convert those viewers and readers into leads or customers.

But it doesn't have to be a struggle!

There are actually 3 simple tools you can use right now that will help you create a year's worth of content ideas in no time at all.

Imagine what would happen if every week when you go to do your content plan or record an idea for a video, blog post, Reel or TikTok, there’s always something waiting for you on your list.

That means more time spent creating great content and less time trying to figure out what topic should be written about next! 

More time working with your clients and less worrying about what to post!

More free time because you’ve been so productive, you can go and sit down and enjoy a nice cuppa!

This is the best way to make sure that every time someone lands on one of your pages or profiles, they’re getting something valuable out of it and not leaving right away because there isn't anything interesting for them and they find someone else!

If this sounds like something that would be useful for you then keep reading!

Because when you put out great content that speaks to your ideal customer, you’ll attract a following of people who will keep coming back for more and more likely to buy from you!

Sounds good right?

In this episode I'm going to share with you:-

==> My top 2 go to sources to get ideas for content if I'm feeling a bit blank.

==> A new simple hack to have literally hundreds of ideas so you NEVER run out again!

==> How to use this to grow your audience with your ideal people and ensure you are valuable and show you as an expert!

Watch the full episode with all the details, or read on for the summary.

Each week I provide a resources section to accompany each episode with tools, products and training that I feel would help you take the next step into conquering this topic in your own business.


3 Simple Tools To Create A Year's Worth of Content Ideas To Grow Your Ideal Audience

Planning out your content ahead of time can be so helpful for a few reasons.

  • You can easily show up without panicking about what you're going to talk about
  • Helps you be more intentional with your message and what you're promoting that week or month

To help you always have content ideas and never run out - as well as making sure it's relevant and valuable for your audience, these 3 simple tools will be super helpful!


I love this site and you can get so many amazing ideas of questions and phrases people are searching for online.

- Type in your key words and it will give you hundreds of questions that are asked online on that topics.

It gives you a great insight into the questions being asked and you can create a ton of content answering those questions.

- You only get a few searches for free in each sitting, so maybe space out your searches.

- You might also need to get a bit more specific - eg break down your core content pillars and sub topics and do multiple searches to get a good mixture of questions.

2. Good Old Google

- I love doing a similar thing but in Google - it will give you the prompts in the search bar of some common phrases that are searched for.

- Scroll down to the "People Also Asked" and that's great to see what else people look for. This can be useful for more specific wording, or fuller phrases that people are typing into Google.

- Can be useful for your tags on your Youtube videos or blog posts for SEO purposes.

3. Google on Steroids!

This is an add on to #2 and something I recently came across on a Youtube video when I was doing my own research...

This person showed such a simple and BRILLIANT hack that I was left blown away and thinking - OMG that's genius!

Are you ready?!

Here we go!

When you add in your keywords to Google, for example skin care...

...start by adding an a and it will give you the list of that phrase with a.

Then repeat to b, c d and go all the way through the alphabet!

OMG right!

I was blown away by this little hack!

Now you literally have hundreds and hundreds of ideas!

You can also use the different keywords and phrases to drill down even more!

No more should you have the excuse of not having something to talk about in your videos and blog posts!

The key is to make sure you have your core content pillars on the top level.

The create sub topics that fall under each of those.

For example:-

Social Media Marketing is the top level.

This can then be broken down into:-

  • Facebook Marketing
  • Instagram
  • Organic Methods
  • Paid Advertising

Each one of those can then be broken down into multiple topics.

Facebook and Instagram alone can be broken down into the different types - Profiles, Business Pages, Growing an Audience, FB Lives, Using Groups, Messenger Conversations.

Skin Care can be broken down into:-

Ageing/Anti Ageing

Acne Issues

Skin Care Products



Over 40s


So now you can do these searches on these sub topics or sub sub topics!

Never ending content ideas!

It's worth taking the time to spend doing this research.

Maybe you do it a few times a year on your core content pillars to see if there's anything new.

It's also great to do for when you're creating a new product/course... to see what your audience are searching for.

Meaning you can be relevant, valuable and are providing a solution that your target audience will love!

Happy searching my friends!

Share with me in the comments if any of these are new to you?

If you want to learn how you can leverage your content even more, then check out my free video series below.

Help create a system to turn your content into a lead generating machine so you can focus on doing the things that need you - showing up and kicking ass!

Resources Mentioned:

1. Free Masterclass - Discover the Leveraged Marketing System

Learn how to leverage your time and use your content to attract more traffic to your content and enable you to get more leads and sales without burning out from all the manual labour!

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Jenny Stevens

Jenny Stevens is an Online Business Consultant & Subconscious Mindset Coach who specialises in helping online entrepreneurs build their business around the lifestyle they want by systemising and streamlining with pure alignment and self trust, to create ease and space for the freedom they desire.

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