Evergreen Marketing: Debunking the 24/7 Myth and Finding Your Perfect Cycle

Evergreen Marketing: Debunking the 24/7 Myth and Finding Your Perfect Cycle

When you hear "evergreen marketing," do you immediately think of a 24/7 machine? 

Many do, but the truth is, evergreen marketing is more versatile and adaptable than that. It doesn't have to be a 24/7 cycle; it can be a consistent cycle tailored to your needs.

Some people tell you that Live launches are the best.

Others say Evergreen is best.

It can be confusing to know what to do for YOU and your business and also, do you have all the facts and choices to really make an informed decision of what to try?

Maybe not… which is what this post is all about!

I’m here to help you see that you can have the best of both worlds, and bring parts of either into a beautiful concoction that’s designed specifically for you, to give you the consistency, the leverage but also system that can suit your personality whether that’s loving live connections or wanting more passive hands off…

There’s options for all!

Watch, Read or Listen to the full episode below

Each week I provide a resources section to accompany each episode with tools, products and training that I feel would help you take the next step into conquering this topic in your own business.


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What Does "Evergreen" Really Mean?

"Evergreen" signifies:

a: retaining freshness or interest
b: universally and continually relevant: not limited in applicability to a particular event or date

Although commonly associated with non-stop, continuous marketing, evergreen can also represent a customised cycle that aligns with your unique business approach.

This is what I discovered last year and it’s transformed how my own marketing process feels and knowing I can change it up and also bring the elements that I love doing but without the exhaustion I personally find with launching!

So often people just think it’s one of the other and that’s just not the case.

Evergreen is making it a consistent machine that you can reuse, and rerun - the frequency is down to you!

Understanding Various Evergreen Cycles

Let’s dive into some different evergreen cycles that you could choose from to keep your revenue coming in consistently.

Evergreen as an All-Year-Round Open Cycle: 
The bog standard evergreen that most people think of. Open all year round with content all pre-done and automated so that people can join your course or program whenever you like. Perhaps with an automated webinar. This evergreen approach can allow for continuous engagement with clients.

Evergreen as a Semi-Annual Cycle: 
Perhaps you have a course that you open and close doors to twice a year. This is more of a “live launch” style to boost sales freeing you up to focus on delivering a great service. This process is repeatable, to reuse a lot of the same content you’ve used before but you can maintain its freshness every cycle, making it evergreen.

Evergreen as Monthly Live Webinars: 
If you love conducting live webinars but your course is pre-created, your evergreen strategy might be hosting a live webinar once a month or every other month. It's a consistent process repeated in a set cycle, also qualifying as evergreen. You get to reuse all your existing content such as email reminders, invitations and keep it going to keep improving it. This could run on a 30, 60 or 90 day cycle with you doing live webinars to promote your course or program that is open all year also.

You can see from these 3 examples, they can cater for different personalities and styles, but also for different life seasons.

If you need to take a step back you can shift it, or if you are craving live interaction, you also have the ability to switch it up too.

This is what I love about knowing your options and choosing what’s right for you, for right now!

I want to give you some examples of different types of people and what making a shift from what you’ve previously done and how shifting to a different method can do for you.

Examples of How Shifting Your Evergreen Cycle Can Help You

Case Study 1: Jane's Shift from 24/7 to Semi-Annual Cycle

Meet Jane, a course creator who shifted from the 24/7 model to a twice-yearly cycle. She realised she got so much energy from doing live webinars and running a live cohort of her program, she wanted to bring that back as she missed the connection. So she switched from her evergreen 24/7 machine to a semi-annual cycle instead.

Here's what changed:

  • Increased Exclusivity and Appeal: Jane created urgency and her live self with her excitement and passion came through more, leading to a 20% increase in conversion rates.

  • Enhanced Engagement: Focusing on live interactions which she loved deepened connections with her clients.

  • Reduced Burnout: Jane found time for herself by planning in breaks, bringing joy back into her work.

  • Flexible and Adaptable: She could make timely updates, keep content fresh and relevant and test different ways to improve her live launches and her delivery.

  • Renewed Confidence: The new model energised Jane, aligning her with her vision and was a better fit her style and strengths with live elements.

Case Study 2: Emily's Transition from Launches to Evergreen

Meet Emily, an online business coach. She transitioned from continuous launches which she found exhausting to an evergreen 90-day cycle, leading to:

  • Increased Revenue: Emily's revenue grew by 40% within the first year by having more continuous exposure to her offers throughout the year.

  • Improved Marketing Efficiency: Emily reduced advertising spend by 25%, making her marketing more effective and was able to test and optimise her processes.

  • Enhanced Work-Life Balance: Emily gained time for personal life without sacrificing growth as she wasn’t spending so much time creating so much content.

  • Boosted Confidence: The new approach empowered Emily, allowing her to explore new opportunities and focus on delivering a great service to her clients knowing her revenue was on a more consistent cycle.

There are different cycles you can choose from, each with their own pros and cons. Each suited to different types of personalities and business models.

It’s about finding the right one for you and testing it long enough to gather some real data.

There are pros and cons of the different types of Evergreen cycles and live launches so let's go over a few.

Pros and Cons of Evergreen Marketing


  • Consistency: Steady income and engagement.
  • Efficiency: Reduced need for continuous new content creation.
  • Flexibility: Tailored to various business models.
  • Long-term Growth: Potential for stability and expansion.


  • Potential Stagnation: Risk of becoming outdated if you don't keep it updated.
  • Competition: Challenges in standing out.
  • Initial Effort: Significant upfront investment and possible time to buildup to the levels you want.

Evergreen marketing is not confined to one rigid approach. It offers various options tailored to suit your unique needs and preferences.

But it's designed and built to create consistency, freedom for what you need and take a big load off your shoulders from having to create new all the time.

Every time I create a new product, course, relaunch a program, I look at how I can simplify it each time, how I can make templates and systems out of the work I spend so much time doing so the next time it's not so time consuming.

It's always a work in progress but the elements I have now is making it easier each time, plus I like to change things up and have evergreen automated and then sprinkle in live elements too. a) to test and b) to keep myself engaged and a good deadline does wonders!

Whether you seek a consistent 24/7 cycle or a more flexible, adaptive approach, evergreen marketing can be the solution. Its power lies in its ability to align with your business's values, goals, and audience needs.

If you're unsure what's right for you or how to create a system that takes care of finding new leads, and turning them into clients without being stuck in constant new content creation mode and can choose the right evergreen marketing and sales approach that’s perfect for you…

Register for my free masterclass where I’ll be taking you through my 8 piece framework that allows the flexibility of choosing the right sales system for you that will ensure you are taking care of each stage of the buying journey…

Plus that can be as automated or live as you choose! Register here and I can’t wait to show you how to bring this all together for YOUR business.

It's time to break free from the myth of the 24/7 cycle and embrace a personalised, effective, and enjoyable marketing strategy.

Here's to finding your perfect marketing match!

Let me know in the comments what your takeaways and lessons were from this episode and also, what are YOUR preferences when it comes to selling your products & services. Automated, semi or live launching? Let me know!

Here's to your success


Resources Mentioned:

FREE MASTERCLASS - Leveraged Marketing System - Discover How to Design a System that can Attract, Connect & Convert Consistently That's Built to be Perfect For You & Save You From Stress & Burn Out - ALL in a Systemised & Scaleable Way!

The Marketing Match - Find how you can do the marketing activities that suit YOUR personality and keep your business moving in the right direction. Pre-designed minimal marketing systems for 4 different personality types to show you how you might tweak your marketing to be a better fit.

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Jenny Stevens

Jenny Stevens is an Online Business Consultant & Subconscious Mindset Coach who specialises in helping online entrepreneurs build their business around the lifestyle they want by systemising and streamlining with pure alignment and self trust, to create ease and space for the freedom they desire.

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