
3 Proven Ways For How to Fix Imposter Syndrome & Power Through In Your Business

3 Proven Ways For How to Fix Imposter Syndrome & Power Through In Your Business

Would you like to be able to fix your imposter syndrome that shows up and be able to power through in your business regardless and know the ONE thing that you can do right now that can help you do that?

In this episode, I'm going to be sharing:-

  • The TRUTH about imposter syndrome & where it comes from

  • 3 Ways you can learn to live with & overcome imposter syndrome in your business

  • Discover this ONE thing that will help you get out of stuck and into action

Just know that Imposter Syndrome is normal and we all experience it - the trick is to learn to embrace this one thing and power through. in your business that keeps you moving and not staying stuck!

Watch the full episode with all the details, or read on for the summary.

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Each week I provide a resources section to accompany each episode with tools, products and training that I feel would help you take the next step into conquering this topic in your own business.


How to Fix Imposter Syndrome & Power Through In Your Business

Before we dive into how to fix it...

It is important to understand where it comes from and what causes it.

Let's dive in...

What is Imposter Syndrome?

The term Imposter Syndrome is defined as someone who feels internally that they’re inadequate, not as good as people might perceive them to be, despite their accomplishments.

It’s that niggling feeling that you’re going to get “found out” for not being as good as people think you are or that you can’t measure up to what you’re trying to to because of a feeling of not knowing enough, being experienced enough, not being “good enough”.

The word “imposter” is feeling like you don’t belong there and any results you’ve achieved were just “luck”.

It started in the 1970s by psychologists who created the terms “imposter phenomenon” that was perceived to be in high achieving women mostly with this internal debate.

Turns out - it’s not and is way more common!

When I first started my business in 2014, I didn’t notice this feeling much. I was eager and excited and I was selling direct sales products so it wasn’t so noticeable.

The time I really noticed it creeping in was when I wanted to start creating my own products and courses and adding more of ME into what I was selling.

This was when things escalated.

It seemed easier to promote affiliate products because it wasn’t my work inside it, just the marketing. 

I was just the tour guide showing people what helped me and what was available and getting a commission for it.

Learning anything new - comes with this internal debate.

Feeling like you don’t know enough to be seen as an expert or authority in your industry.

Wondering who’s going to listen to you?

The fact is - we all start at the beginning.

This feeling of “Imposter” needs to stop.

Using the word imposter makes us sound like we don’t belong in our business - well… that’s just total BS, right!

Because you’re here.

You started your business and have big goals.

And you’re not going anywhere, right?

So the ONE thing to stop doing right now is using that word to yourself - because you are not an imposter!

You’re just having some self doubt that can be sorted out very easily!

You are not alone, every business owner and person has feelings of inadequacy at times.

Whether it’s a new job that you got promoted to.

A new experience or skill you’ve not done before.

A new product you’re putting out into the world.

It’s normal.

The key is learning how to push through that feeling anyway and learn to deal with it whilst you kick ass and take action regardless!

Are you with me?

3 Ways to Fix the Imposter Syndrome?

1. Focus on your Thoughts & Interrupt

It all starts with a thought.

The thought is what starts this feeling of doubt and insecurity which then turns into you retreating and wanting to hide = inaction.

So let’s reverse that and start with the thought - if you catch the doubt creeping in and that little vice starting to get in your ear saying things like…

“You aren’t really that good”

“You can’t do this?”

“Who’s going to buy from you anyway?”

“I’m not as good as ________”

That’s your cue to INTERRUPT!

Shut that doubt devil up right away and say NO!

I’m not having that and quickly turn it around.

Repeat phrases such as:-

  • “I know enough right now that can help someone”

  • “I am great at what I do”

  • “I have already helped someone”

  • “I have things worthy to say and share”

  • “There is no-one like me and can do what I do in my way - and that’s awesome!”

Make them your own with whatever words or phrases you would use so it feels like your own voice.

Say them out loud.

Turn the negative words and phrases into the opposite positive version.

The doubt devil - (Dave as I sometimes call him), will try to get in your way, but when you are aware of your thoughts and catch it seeping in, you have to interrupt it as quickly as possible and tell your mind what you WANT it to feel instead.

Tell your mind how you want to think, what you want to do instead and it will start to listen to that instead.

It takes practice, but it is worth it.

2. Take Action Anyway

We’ve got to be real here - we all have doubts and times we feel inadequate - but what stands in the way of failure or success is quitting.

So you can avoid that by always taking action.

Even if it’s something small you can do regardless of the internal chatter going on and slamming “Dave” to the ground!

The business owner in you needs to show up and needs to be seen and heard.

Even if you are new to your business, or trying something new - you have something to share.

You don’t need to have been in business for 10 years to make a difference.

You know enough right now to help 1 person today.

Anything you learn today, is more than you knew yesterday and more than someone who might learn that tomorrow.

You can be that person to share that.

When I was in the beginning stages of building my personal brand and shifting from marketing the direct sales company to branding me and starting to create valuable content…

I was honest and said “I’m on this journey to learning how to use social media more effectively and I want to share that journey with you as I learn new things, I’ll share with that you too”

This is a great way of showing you’re real and not trying to “fake it til you make it”.

People want real.

And you can always help someone who’s 1-2 steps behind you.

So get that out of your mind and just get out there.

If your business is as important to you - you can’t afford to allow the “imposter syndrome” to stand in your way too much.

Sure, the feeling will be there for you to work through, but you have to get comfortable with showing up regardless and being uncomfortable.

It’s just part of the package and soon enough, when you go through step 3, you won’t even need to feel that uncomfortable!

Action also helps to diminish and reduce fear and doubt because no matter what, when you’re in action mode, you’re making progress, even if it’s small.

3. Work on the Root Cause for Long Term Ease

Steps 1 & 2 are for the now, the powering through anyway.

The longer term solution to fixing imposter syndrome is to look at where this comes from.

I found that even after 3 years of taking action, being mindful of my thoughts, it was just a plaster over the deep rooted belief and I needed to sort it out properly.

That’s where healing the subconscious mind and getting to the root cause was so pivotal to my continued journey in my own business.

The problem if you don’t look at truly healing that old belief that is driving your day to day life, and keeps coming back to that…

Because that’s what the core belief is.

And it keeps coming back.

Using my Enough to Enrolment method of combining subconscious work with action taking - it allows you to understand where these beliefs stem from in the first place and replaces those beliefs with new, positive and empowering ones instead.

Allowing you to let go of any past sadness, anger, hurt and feel refreshed, renewed and lighter by letting go of that baggage.

A lot of the time, we’re not even aware these things are there, which is why the work I do with my clients is so powerful.

It uses hypnotherapy to talk to the subconscious mind and has helped me immensely to finally start seeing my uniqueness and talents for what they are, seeing my greatness, and being able to accept myself truly for who I am and my path.

It’s transformed my business by allowing me to trust myself and my skills I’ve learned and developed over the years and allow me to show up more confidently and know I can make an impact on others and help them do the same thing.

Isn’t that what you really want?

To feel confident in what you do, who you are and show up authentically?

Knowing you are making an impact on people and being paid well in return?

If you feel like imposter syndrome is getting in the way of your results, and have tried everything else, this might be your answer.

It was for me along with steps 1 & 2 on a consistent basis.

Let’s recap

  1. Get aware of your thoughts and interrupt the negative and switch into positive
  2. Take consistent action regardless of how you’re feeling so you’re always making progress
  3. Get curious and work on your deep rooted belief system so you can heal and let go - allowing the new, powerful and true you to emerge to your best self!

If you’re curious about number 3 and want to know how I can help you with this, I have a 5 week Rapid Enough to Enrolment package that combines the inner work with the action taking and accountability to help you do both.

You can get all the details here, but I must warn you, I only have limited spaces and this is baed on a first come first served basis.

I hope you found this post helpful and you can take these steps away and start to help overcome your own imposter syndrome and be equipped with what to if it starts to show it's ugly face!

Let me know what your takeaways were in the comments below and what you resonated with.

Until next time.

To your success and confidence

Jenny Stevens

Founder of

Resources Mentioned:

1:1 33 Day Rapid Enough to Enrolment Package - Perfect for a reset & reboot in your business and get the limiting beliefs dealt with and have the actionable steps and accountability to go with it so you deal with past and get into action for today and tomorrow.

Self Trust Masterclass - How to Unlock Your Self Trust & Intuition to Propel Your Business Forwards - Without Questioning Every Business Idea or Yourself!

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Jenny Stevens

Jenny Stevens is an Online Business Consultant & Subconscious Mindset Coach who specialises in helping online entrepreneurs build their business around the lifestyle they want by systemising and streamlining with pure alignment and self trust, to create ease and space for the freedom they desire.

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